
How to Burp a Newborn Baby?

how to burp a baby

 By Gopika T R

Knowing how to burp your baby is one of the fundamental factors in the initial stages of parenting. It might seem quite intimidating at first but when you get used to it gradually it becomes easier.
If you know the right techniques this is a piece of cake.

Signs of discomfort

  • Crying
  • Clenched fist
  • Arched back

Why should you burp a baby?

Burping them is a necessary process because it releases the air swallowed during feeding. Ignoring this process will lead the baby to become uncomfortable and more prone to wake up, spit up or both.

There are many ways to burp your baby but the most efficient results have sprouted from three very simple positions. Doctors have highly recommended these three (Please consult your pediatrician for medical advice.) and here’s how you do them.

Also Read: Everything you need for a newborn baby

How to burp a baby?

  1. On your shoulder – this the most
    common burping technique. First place the burping cloth on one of your
    shoulders, cover your little one in a blanket and proceed to place them on the
    cloth. Gently but firmly pat their back for about a minute or two until the
    burp comes out.
  2. On your lap, more specifically on your knees –
    Sit in a chair and place your little one on their tummy on your knees. To
    comfort the baby, move your legs from side to side to rock them, pat their
    backs until the burp comes out.
  3. On your lap more specifically on your thigh –
    Place the burping cloth on your thighs and your kiddo on your lap in a sitting
    position while placing your thumb on their jaw on one side and the index and
    middle on the other side. The rest of fingers should be supporting their chest
    in order to avoid clumsy movements. Pat their backs gently with firm strokes
    until the burp comes out.

This position might be the one that secures the best results. It may be awkward at first but practice is going to get you to master this form. This is highly recommended because this allows you
to read your baby’s facial cues better and helps you understand how they are

You can also massage the baby’s tummy and move her
legs gently.

Pro Tip: Have a burp cloth/Wash cloth ready on your shoulders/lap so that she does not spit-up on your cloths.

 Buy Picksparrow Muslin squares/Wash clothes/Burp clothes now!

 Now the question of how to burp your baby is answered and the questions when to burp your baby and for how long remains unanswered. Well, don’t worry we have got you covered.

 When to burp a baby?

  • Right after a feed – this to release the air in their tummies.
  • When they pull away during a feed and get squirmy.
  • When they get hiccups it’s best to burp them out of it.

How long to burp a baby?

  • Burping them for a minute or two is recommended or until the burp is released and you can stop burping them after they turn 4 – 6 months old.

 New parents, it’s crucial that you understand sometimes even if you burp them for a minute or two straight it might not come out and that’s perfectly normal, so there no reason to worry. It
all depends on your baby’s feeding mechanism. Bottle fed babies tend to burp more than breast fed babies because the consumption of is more frequent in the former.

All of these techniques might seem tricky at first because there lingers a fear of unknowingly making your baby uncomfortable but you will never know unless you try to frequent these moves.
Practice makes things a little easier and you will know that burping your baby isn’t a nerve-racking task as you think it is.

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